To convince our owners and banks to finance a potential acquisition, it was necessary to provide a 5-year plan and to conduct a due diligence assessment on both Unilabs and the business that was up for sale.
One early February morning, the fire alarm went off at the Unilabs laboratory in Eskilstuna. As part of a big hospital, this is known to happen every now and then, either by mistake or for training purposes. So no-one took much notice at the beginning.
One Saturday evening, a radiographer was working at the MRI lab in a Unilabs radiology institute in Hamar, a small Norwegian town. There were no other radiographers or radiologists at work – she was all on her own.
A couple of years ago, Unilabs Mammography wanted to increase participation in mammography screening, having noticed a lot of women never showed up when they were called to an exam.
Unilabs is pleased to announce the acquisition of Telemedicine Clinic (“TMC”), a leading European provider of teleradiology and telepathology services.